Indoor plants are timeless, they fit well with any decoration and complement it better each time, since we tend to use natural tones and materials in construction elements. If you like rare but beautiful indoor plants , we leave you here the 10 most desired in the world. And if you still want more, don’t miss 8 indoor plants that you can eat and 6 indoor plants that become gigantic if you let them. And if they all die, perhaps your thing is these 10 indoor plants that you will not be able to kill
Variegated Syngonium

Fuente: Instagram / knotsandleaves
It is a plant that this year has been very popular, and of which there are many different types. Many growers are now growing a large quantity of this variety as they have been in high demand lately.
Philodendron Pink Princess

Source: Instagram / philodendrose
A pink plant? , you may be wondering. Well yes, it exists. Unfortunately, they are not yet very common, but more are beginning to be cultivated for sale in recent years. It is a highly desired specimen , since it attracts a lot of attention, precisely because of its coloration.
Monstera Obliqua Peruvian Form

Fuente: Instagram / pb.growtopia
For gardeners, this pretty plant is the holy grail of weird houseplants . When decorating a home, many people are including this species as part of their wish list. It is native to Peru , but has now spread throughout Europe. It can get really expensive to buy one.
Monstera Thai Constellation

Fuente: Instagram / urlocalplantboy
It is a very limited species, currently cultivated by few producers in the Netherlands. Coming from Thailand, its producers establish a very high price due to the few stocks that exist . However, it is expected that market demands will soon be able to be met with more production of this type of plant, which will translate into lower prices.
Monstera Adansonii Variegata Archipelago

Source: Instagram / iranplantoriginal
It is one of the most expensive plants of the past year, as well as being highly desired by those who seek to decorate interiors . They are not produced on a large scale, so they are very exclusive . They will probably remain expensive for years, until they are fully extended.
Anthurium Warocqueanum

Instagram / unplantparenthood
Unfortunately, it can’t be found in garden centers now , and it can rarely be found on the Internet. It comes from Colombia, but now it is grown in various countries in Latin America and Asia, so the only way to get it is to import it from there. It is so popular for its velvety leaves, of tremendous beauty .
Glorious Philodendron

Fuente: Instagram / plantsgalleria
This pretty plant is known for its huge leaves , also velvety and heart-shaped. They can get very large over time , plus they prefer to grow downward, so they will drag along the ground when they grow up.
Philodendron Melanochrysum

Source: Facebook / RojjanaHutGardent
Of this type of plant, this is undoubtedly the most sought after. Its dark leaves are very attractive , as well as being fairly easy to grow indoors with a bit of moisture. These leaves can become very large, reaching more than 1 meter in length.
Monstera Albo Variegata

Fuente: Instagram / shelleys.indoor.jungle
Currently, they are cultivated by producers in the Netherlands and Belgium , who export them to the European market. This variety has a slow growth, which is accompanied by high demand, which causes rather high prices for these plants.
Philodendron Bipinnatifidumm

Source: Reddit/kgodzilla
It is a species native to South America , specifically from countries like Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay. It can be kept as a houseplant, although it is also grown as a landscape plant in tropical climates.